Thursday, May 12, 2005

That's All Folks

I am officially finished with school for three months. Three years under my to go. I can make it. Just two more semesters of classes and a semester of student teaching. Praise the Lord. [For those of you who know me well, you know that I actually enjoy school and it will be somewhat strange to not be taking classes at some point.] I signed myself up for a summer online class, so this should get interesting, considering I won't really have easy access to the Internet for eight weeks. It will be a good class though. One of the books is called "Holler if You Hear Me." It is a first-hand account from a guy who taught in the Chicago Public School District. I have already read it once for fun, and now I get to read it again! I highly recommend this book. It is a fast read and it offers some very interesting insights, not only for potential teachers.

Thank you, all, for the reading suggestions. I have already made a few purchases. I am conjuring up a nice little book list, but it has definitely grown beyond ten books. That's okay though. I found out I have more layovers this summer than I thought, so these books will come in handy. They will come in nice and heavy, but that's okay too.

Mandy-where on earth am I going to find that old Donald Miller book without spending $35 for it?

Sammy Update:
On Tuesday after school, Sammy and I were moving through our normal after school schedule, which begins with bathroom break. While he was in the bathroom, he started yelling into the vent, "Rex! Rex! Where are you?" Then he started making walkie-talkie noises and saying, "Erin, Miss Erin, do you copy? Are you there?" I had no clue what he was doing. We finished with the bathroom break and he immediately ran into the kitchen and laid down on the floor next to another vent. "Rex! Rex! Erin, do you hear the voices? Do you hear them?" I was really trying hard not to laugh, but at the same time I was getting frustrated because he kept yelling and yelling at me about these voices. It wasn't until he said this that I figured out what he was doing: "Rex! Woody! Buzz! Where are you? Are you coming through this vent?"

Oh my goodness. It was hilarious. He seriously thinks that the Toy Story 2 characters are in his vents. So, I played along as well. Even Emily started in on it. For the next hour and a half and for most of yesterday, we laid by the vent in his room talking to these characters, reassuring them we would leave the lights on for them if they wanted to come to Sammy's room. Yesterday, Emily was trying to distract him and told him that the characters went back to Andy's room (if you are not familiar with Toy Story, Andy is the little boy who owns all of these toys). I thought Sammy was going to cry. He kept asking when they were coming back to his house and when he could play with them.

Priceless. Absolutely priceless.

I must go now. Hopefully we will have more Toy Story adventures today!


Mandy said...

Well, here's what I did. since you're at ISU you can do this too I'm sure. Get on the Illinet Online thing and search for it in other IL college & university libraries. I think I ended up getting it from Wheaton or Greenville or something...can't remember. But I don't know if you can take it w/ you for the summer :-) You may have to end up buying it, which I'd recommend at some point when it gets republished and is cheaper than $35. For now, that's crazy!

ret said...

I don't think I've seen Toy Story 2...but that's hilarious all the same! And congrats on wrapping things up!! DO NOT LEAVE COUNTRY WITHOUT SEEING US. REPEAT....DO NOT....