Sunday, May 22, 2005

Children's Literature Revisited

So, while I was gone at my friends' wedding this weekend, my graded paper arrived from my professor at ISU. Good news...294/300. I got a 98% on my paper about families. This is what my teacher had to say.

Argument: "Well done."
Unity and clarity of analysis: "Not bad."
Depth of thought: "Thoughtful and clear."
Assignment requirements: "Good work."
Other comments: "I think your wrestle with your values was very productive. Because you cared, you worked harder and had a more thoughtful piece of writing as a result."

At the end of the paper, she wrote a few other comments:
"I personally think that marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God and should be protected and properly encouraged."

Overall, I am glad I wrestled with this topic and that I have still been chewing on this material. I am also really excited about the comments my professor wrote in my paper.

And that's all she wrote.


deby said...

Isn't it neat to see that God is working. There was a good article in the paper the other night regarding this. He said that he felt we are not allowing children to be children by forcing them to read what "Families" are out there.

Good job on the grades too! Love you-

Erin said...

Sounds like an interesting article. I will have to read it when I come back! Can you save me a copy?