Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's All or Nothing

It's official. Come August, I will be a resident of Chicago's south side.

I have switched programs and will now do my year long PDS (Professional Development School) in Chicago. I am very, VERY excited to see what comes from this experience. God came through (as always). Everything fell into place at the right time. I have a place to live...actually, two options now. Housing was the only thing holding me back and now I have choices. It is going to be a great year, I can just feel it. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.


ret said...

Shawna told me the news after she talked with you yesterday!! Not only is it awesome news, but I'm sure it feels great to have made the decision and start having a plan. Hate living in the land of the I don't know...

Good for you, Erin!! But you know my baby will want to come and visit! Just don't let her get too comfortable...I like the sound of Vermont street these days...

Keep us posted!

deby said...

how exciting. some 20+ years ago I was living over by Lincoln Park. Perhaps I can come up and see you next year.

Love & miss you-