Friday, September 09, 2005

Africa Pictures

I have had a few folks ask, "where are those Africa pictures?" Well, I am still waiting for some of them to get to me in the States, and being the OCD person I tend to be, I have been waiting until I have ALL of them to sort through and post the best ones. However, I have decided for the sake of my viewers, I would post them in installments. So, these are just a few of my favorites from Africa. Hopefully you don't experience sensory overload!

1 comment:

ret said...

Since I am on the last of the Chronicles of Narnia that I began on vacation..all I could think of seeing all those animals was how I might just freak out a little bit if they started talking. Can you imagine. Anyhoo, loved the pics. What a wonderfully amazing time you must have had. Great times and memories there girl. You are blessed. Thanks for sharing those, must have taken some time to get them on there...