Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Honeymoon is Over

Well, the rain wasn't the only damper to my day...

But, on the bright side, I was asked to go to a conference next February for a panel discussion about the program I am in. The best part about this conference is that it is free...and it's in NEW YORK CITY!!!!

So, my day wasn't too bad after all.


Kristy said...

Oh Erin!!! I'm so sorry... that stinks! Glad to hear you can make it into a positive though about the conference :) I have never been to NYC and would LOVE to go! Keep that pretty little chin up girl :) love you!

ret said...

Ouch. Did the tears roll and the bottom lip curl? That can sure ruin a day. But it's fixable. So that makes any bad day a good day in my book. Glad you're okay. And congrats on NYC!! Loving the updates babe. Thrilled happy for you...

Anonymous said...

HUGE bummer! i was so sorry to see the poor little beast look so vulnerable. in brighter news, i looked up train tickets from qtown to chitown. I'm still looking at the first weekend in Nov if that works for you. Let me know! I hope we get a chance to talk this weekend.

splumier said...

Hey You!!

Sorry about the bad guys messing with your car!! Glad you get to go to NYC! Did you get the email I sent you last week? Plan on coming to L-town for Wish book night. We will let you know when. We can't do it with out you.

Love--Mama Sheri

splumier said...

Hey You!!

Sorry about the bad guys messing with your car!! Glad you get to go to NYC! Did you get the email I sent you last week? Plan on coming to L-town for Wish book night. We will let you know when. We can't do it with out you.

Love--Mama Sheri

splumier said...

sorry about the double posts

A boy named Toadie said...

I personally blame the school system. Just kidding.

I love the way you are able to keep a positive attitude. Blessings on you my friend.