I almost forgot one of my favorite comments from my graded paper. Sorry to bore, I am just really excited about the way my professor received it.
There was one sentence that I threaded throughout my paper and it goes a little something like this: "But the question still remains: are these books about [homosexual lifestyles/divorce/single-parent homes] promoting these books, causing us to become numb to the idea?" At the end of one of these questions, my professor simply wrote, "Yes. They are."
Interesting, huh? When I turned my paper in, we were talking about the ways our faith tends to creep in and effect so much of our life (and rightly so). She shared with me that she goes to the Church of Latter Day Saints and that she wrestles with topics such as the one in my paper, too. It was just an interesting moment and an even more interesting conversation to have in the doorway to her office at ISU.
Anyway...I thought it was neat.
Do you think that writing this paper has made you better at confronting someone who may have an opposing view??
Hmm...I don't know. Probably not. I am making progress though. Just Saturday night, I had a dream in which I confronted a real person who I have been too afraid to talk to. I also purchased a book for my summer reading program, Boundaries: Face to Face. We'll see how that goes. In some ways maybe it has helped, since I had to write a post to defend myself in some ways. I will have to get back to you on that one :)
Well, I think there is value in taking the stance in which you have.
But I don't think that all of the value here lies in the nature of your stance, but rather that you've simply taken a stance.
I believe that you'll find confidence amidst confrontation by simply taking a stance. You've empowered yourself (via the paper, via the prayer, and via the contemplation) with some knowledge which will enable you to be more comfortable with the subject. In turn, I believe this will allow you to have more confidence when dealing with a type of confrontation of this nature.
BTW, I've got your CD. =)
Hey Erin- nicely done on the paper. Sounds like your prof enjoyed having you in class...also good.
PS...read the Boundaries book. Good stuff. Hope you like it...
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