I know, I know, clever title. In all seriousness, I have a concern. As a Christian, a person who is called to be different and to be set apart, how do we respond to those who are not Christians?
Hear me out on this. I just had a really disappointing experience with another human being. This person was cruel, rude, a bit sassy, and treated me like I was just a dumb box of rocks standing in front of her. My response: tears. I understand that Christians are supposed to try to live according to higher standards, but how, without being disrespectful in return, do we make our point that we have been hurt? I am sure that none of this makes sense, but it is a question that has haunted me for some time now, even with other Christians. I know that we can use Scripture and try to hold one another accountable, but what do you do when the person who has hurt you doesn't care about your Christian standards or the Bible or even the right thing to do in a given situation?
I know that there isn't always a "right or wrong" choice, but rather a good choice and a better choice. I just have a hard time with wanting everything to be black and white, right or wrong, good or bad, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
It's time to forgive and move on, I guess.
Pray - Pray for them the whole time they are going off on you - Pray that the Lord helps you see that it is them NOT you. Pray for His hedge of protection. Pray that you can let Him take revenge and that you can go on to something far more important. Being the beautiful you that He created and touching so many others that you are not even aware of. I know it's hard, just don't develop a hard heart - let Him take control of changing that person. Bottom line Erin - with persons such as this, all you can do is pray.
Also, a tip your g'ma gave me years ago. The whole time they are letting off on you - just stand there and smile while thinking the whole time that God is really going to take care of them.
Not all non-Christians are rude and sassy and likewise, not all Christians are all that polite and virtuous either, or so I have experienced.
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