Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Destination Summer 2005: Nairobi, Kenya

In just 4 short months, I will be en route to Nairobi, Kenya where I will spend the majority of my summer. My aunt and uncle live there. Chris is a pilot and Kelly helps with a lot of the hospitality stuff there. They have 3 wonderful boys, Ethan, Austin, and Isaac. I can't wait to be there with them! My goal is to use this blog as an online photo album while I am there to keep my friends here up to date.


deby said...

Hi! I think I figured out how to use my blog site. Check it out sometime soon gods4ever.blogspot.com

Pray you had a wonderful day-love, miss and God Bless you-deby

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hey hon, you didnt tell me you were planning to go to visit your family in Kenya. that is so exciting!!!! :)