Saturday, July 30, 2016

Finleyisms - Part 4

I'm not sure if I will grow tired of hearing some of the quirky things you say :)

  • Yogurt = oh-grit
  • Oatmeal - et-milk
  • I do it all myself...have I mentioned this one already?  Because it's pretty popular.  :)
  • You refer to mustard as "dat yewwow stuff."  You are not a fan.
  • When we tell you that it is time to stop doing something, you immediately respond with, "but I juss need to do _____ a tiny widdle bit.  I come in juss a second."  Quite the negotiator.  
  • Nank you = thank you
  • Widdle nice guys - Little Einsteins 
  • "I wuv pink mommy.  I wuv pink so much.  Iss my favowite cowor."
  • Beshtables = vegetables 
  • Fridge-a-Der = refrigerator
  • "It's called..."   I honestly have no idea where this came from, but you say it all the time.  It's basically your opening line to most explanations and arguments.  For example, "it's called, daddy tell me I can do diss." It's pretty funny.  
  • "Fimme not go in time out uh cuz gails (girls) don't do time out."  Okay.  Sure.  
  • You refer to going number two as doing a stinky diaper.  Again, whatever floats your boat, girl.  
  • You use the preposition "to" for the preposition "for" all the time.  "This is not to babies."  "This is not to you."  "Is this to me?"  "I have a gift to you."  Sometimes it works, but most of the time, it does not. 
  • Jingle Bells = gingerbread.  You interchange these words :)
  • Ornaments are also called jingle bells...or instruments.  
  • Pesky dust = pixie dust
  • Nakesgiving = Thanksgiving
  • Valetimes = Valentine's
  • Shammiches, shammiches = savages, savages 🎶🎶 from Pocahontas.  
You are definitely a chatterbox, and I love it :)

You also love to make up songs to narrate what you are doing.  You still love for us to sing to you at night, and you often quote songs to us.  The funniest song that you sing DAILY is from Daniel Tiger.  "STOP, and go right away.  Flush and wash and go on your way."  God bless Daniel Tiger and the manners and life lessons he shares with us.

You sing the Veggie Tales theme song in every store we go into. Your translation of all the different vegetables is pretty fantastic.  Perhaps I'll be able to capture that on video soon.  

You are interested obsessed with mail right now.  You love to receive things in the mail and always ask me if the mail is "to you."  But recently, and I attribute this to our Christmas card season, you want to send mail ALL DAY.  You ask us to work on your mail all the time.  Because Valentine's Day is right around the corner, I recently found the cutest Disney Princess mailbox for $2.88.  BEST.BUY.EVER.  We have tiny envelopes, rubber stamps, stickers, princess tape, all the goodies for fun mail.  We will need to tap into your piggy bank to help foot our stamp bill, but you are loving it and that is what matters.  I love your innocence and that you love simple things.    

Right now you love Princess Sofia, PJ Masks, Peppa Pig, Doc McStuffins, Daniel Tiger, and Veggie Tales.  And of course we are still die-hard princess fans :)

You still pronounce your name "Fimme Jo Willmums."  Precious.  

Resternot = restaurant 

Hostible - hospital 

Aminal = animal

"Th" sounds are still pronounced with an "f" for the most part...fee-uh is THEA, free is THREE...

Don't grow up, baby girl.  Just don't do it.  

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