Monday, August 24, 2015

Finley-isms - Part 3

Oh Finley.  You make me smile :)

More of your "isms" -
  • brapes = grapes
  • mato = tomato 
  • You are still a fabulous counter, but you always insist that there are actually more than there really are.  I think you just like to count out loud.
  • Him mizing at me!!!  = he's smiling at me. 
  • I do it all myself.  
  • You have LOTS of "best frayands..."  
    • Bistol
    • Harlyn
    • Kitty (JoJo's cat)
    • Baby brudder
    • Mommy
  • Ketchup = checkup 
  • Sprinkles = brinkles 
  • Sparkle = barkle 
  • You love your princess movies.  You have nearly memorized Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and Little Mermaid. 
  • Speaking of the Little Mermaid, the other day, you sat down at lunch at a restaurant, lifted up the fork, and proudly announced, "Mommy, wook!  It a dinglehopper!"  HILARIOUS! 
  • I will never tire of hearing your sweet voice.  Okay, maybe when you are whining or trying to talk to me when it is WAY past your bedtime :)

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