Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to School!

Tomorrow I officially begin my career as a teacher. Yikes...

We had open house on Friday, and the question I was dreading all week long came from the very first mother who showed up in my room: "How long have you been teaching?" She asked me this as she got out a notebook to take notes!!! I had prepared an answer that was hopefully going to deter any further probing, but no, it did not work. So, she knows that I am a very new teacher and I think she is scared for her child. Other than that, the day was great! And, I was able to use my Spanish to comfort a few parents. I think I definitely earned points in their eyes, so that was a bonus.

Anyway, look forward to more reports from the front row!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The One Where We Got Married

I know this is ridiculously out-of-date, but again, better late than never. It seems to be just a collection of milestones. Maybe I will try to do better?!?! I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore. Oh well, this is one of our wedding pictures, obviously. We have been married for two months now! Time is just whizzing by us. Okay, enough for now. Tal vez en un ano, voy a anadir mas a esta pagina del web.