Monday, September 03, 2007

Buenos Tardes de Costa Rica!

We are thoroughly enjoying the rainy season here in San Jose, Costa Rica. We arrived last Monday and have finished our orientation at the language school. We begin classes tomorrow morning at 7:30. We are looking forward to learning and studying here with our new friends and our Tican families. It is going well so far. We will keep you posted as things progress.

Speaking of things progressing...Heath proposed on Saturday night and we are engaged! Here is a picture for you to enjoy :)

1 comment:

ret said...

¡El sorprender!

That's supposed to be "amazing!" If I can barely recognize French after 9 years of classes, there's no way, hose, I'll be able to learn Spanish!! God bless your news! Shawna was so glad to get to talk to you Saturday night. Can't wait to hear some more details. That's just the greatest news, Erin. Congratulations!! Keep in touch! And good luck with the start of classes...