Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Small Obsessions

So in case you haven't noticed, I have this small, but obvious obsession with all things Africa. Last night, I got an email update from Relevant Magazine. The store was having a special sale for a new book entitled Hope in the Dark. It is a collection of photographs and reflections from this guy's consecutive trips to South Africa and Kenya. It has already shipped and I can't wait! Plus, I got an Africa t-shirt with the deal as well. Check out the book at Also, funds from the book and shirt go to support AIDS awareness in Africa. I was able to download a sample chapter from the book and the photos are just amazing. I just can't wait! I think it will be a great resource and it helps support a good cause at the same time. Make sure you check it out!


Unknown said...

Nice work! I like the change to the blog! Africa pictures,hmm I must check this out.

ret said...

Cute pics. It was good to see you yesterday. Praying for your trip!! God bless!