Thursday, August 31, 2006

I'm in Love

It's official: I am obsessed with living in Chicago.

It has only been a few days, but I am already loving this. Our house is so much fun, we are moments from the L, my neighborhood is rich with culture, and there are just so many cool things to do around here.

I met my mentor teacher today and she is great. I got to help set-up the classroom, including labeling textbooks, making some bulletin boards, sorting library books, and covering bookshelves. Could it BE more exciting?!?!

We have class tomorrow and then we are off to the Mexican Fine Arts Museum in Pilsen. Friday will be spent getting the room ready as well. On Tuesday, I meet my students! There are 25 of them so far, and we might get more still as the week goes on.

Our landlord hasn't rigged up our wireless internet, nor do we have cable yet. However, my laptop made a sound earlier informing me that it detected an available wireless connection. God bless those who don't secure their internet so poor college students like us can bootleg it.

And to all, a good night!


laura said...

I am so glad that you are loving it. I love Chicago. I have always wanted to live there. Sounds like you are really busy. Enjoy and I look forward to seeing you the next time you are in Q-town. Maybe you could do a little picture session for our Christmas cards..... :)

ret said...

I knew you'd love it. I probably would too...just too much family here for me to leave our nice little town. You'll do great, I know you will. And labels are right up your alley :) Hope your first day went well. Keep us all posted. Becca was home over the weekend...sat with her 1st service at church and then we both headed to MPCC for 2nd. Nice to see some folks...the rents were on team :) God bless and stay in touch little you!