Saturday, July 23, 2005

TINA! My greatest buddy and roommate, at our old stomping grounds, LCC. It is so good to see a familiar face! Posted by Picasa


deby said...

hi babe! After reading the newspapers, regarding the bombs, etc. I AM SO THANKFUL YOU ARE HOME!

anxious to see and talk to you. You sound wonderful!

God Bless & Love you - momII

Anonymous said...

Ok--so you come to LCC and don't even give Mama Sheri a call. I was at home all day on Saturday--but did Miss World Traveller Erin call?? NOO.

Just kidding--I'm so glad you are back safe and sound. So glad this time away was good for you.

Let's get together soon. I want to see pictures. I want to laugh hard at the funny stories I'm sure you have. Gail is in Seattle and then who knows what (long story).


Anonymous said...

Erin, don't let her give you a hard time like that....I would want to see me too if I were you! Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about you today while I have been out on the mower! Whoohoo! Anyway, I love you so much and I am so glad that you are back! I can't wait for August, when we get to be roommates! Rest up and I will call you soon so we can talk!

Anonymous said...

You should see Tina on that mower!!HOTT--literally. She's got to be dying!! She makes me smile!! Call when you are rested.
