Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Ciao, Ciao and Arrivederci

Greetings to all three of you who read this!

I am in a very smoky Internet cafe in downtown Athens, Greece. Tonight is our last night and we thought we would do a quick email run. The trip has been amazing, to say the least. I have taken so many pictures and made so many memories already, and the summer has barely even begun.

Just thought it would be cool to post on this from Greece. I will update when I can, but maybe not until I return to the States. It all depends on the Internet connection in Kenya.

Have a great summer! Feel free to email (eks621@hotmail.com)

1 comment:

ret said...

Hey Erin!!! So jealous here!!!I'm assuming the rest of your family left today...praying they have a safe trip and wonderful time. It was great to hear from you...sorry you kept missing Shawna. Glad you're having fun! God bless!