Saturday, June 18, 2005


Greetings from Nairobi, Kenya!

I am sitting at the hangar where my uncle is a pilot. We came for a quick business/pleasure Internet run. I need to work on my Internet class, my dad needs to do some work stuff, and Chris has some flight reports to write. However, I found my way to Blogger and decided to write up a quick post.

Things here are a bit cloudy, and "cold". It has been like 65 degrees everyday, not really my definition of cold. We have been to the elephant orphanage, the Massai market, and on Monday we take off for a birthday safari in Amboseli. I will turn 21 on the 21st in a game park in Kenya. How is that for a fun memory?!

Like I said in my last post, the past three weeks have been nothing short of amazing. There have been some ups and downs, but mostly ups. I don't want to bore anyone with the details, but man, I have been to some very cool places. If you ever want a very detailed report, you may borrow the journal that was given to me the day before I left. I have written in it every day religiously. It has a crazy amount of details, but hey, what did you expect? I have taken close to 1000 pictures on my killer camera. I have tried to document all of the food I have eaten as well, including veal (not my favorite) and stuffed grape vine leaves in Athens. After I got past the idea of eating tree leaves, I was just fine.

I have been doing some fun reading and some tough reading. I have also been keeping track of special verses or quotes that have hit me in a very cute little memory card notebook deal that was also given to me the day before I left. Cool cool. Also available for loan come August.

Anyway, I need to get on with my class stuff. Just wanted to give an update from this side of the world.

Random tidbit: Did you know that when you are south of the equator, the water in the toilet bowl swirls clockwise, as opposed to the counter-clockwise motion one would find north of the equator. However, since we are so close to the equator here in Kenya, the water in the toilet is just sucked straight down. Now you are all smarter because of this information.


P.S. The post title, Jambo, is hello in Swahili. Kwaheri means goodbye. You are also smarter for the new words I have taught you!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Ciao, Ciao and Arrivederci

Greetings to all three of you who read this!

I am in a very smoky Internet cafe in downtown Athens, Greece. Tonight is our last night and we thought we would do a quick email run. The trip has been amazing, to say the least. I have taken so many pictures and made so many memories already, and the summer has barely even begun.

Just thought it would be cool to post on this from Greece. I will update when I can, but maybe not until I return to the States. It all depends on the Internet connection in Kenya.

Have a great summer! Feel free to email (