Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Good friends are hard to come by! Jill Dicken was in Quincy this past weekend. She was visiting for her nephew's 7th birthday. It was so fun to see her again and catch up in person! Posted by Hello


deby said...

hey girl, i too was honored and surprised to be on gil's list. he is supposed to be emailing me the secrets of putting those links up on my blog. if so, you too will be on mine! is that not exciting or what. why do our woods scare you?

ret said...

Good friends are hard to come by...and to stay in touch with when things get busy. Missed seeing you when you were in town. Hope your last 6 weeks don't get the best of you :) Breathe. Cute pic btw...we miss you!

Anonymous said...
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ret said...

Wow. Sorry about that Erin. It was really nice to talk to you today. Hope you feel better soon. I love you...btw...I noticed the verse you used with your title :) Glad you liked it.

Erin said...

I loved that verse, so I thought I would put it to good use. I don't know who "not Loretta" is. Sorry about that. That is why these comment sections can be dangerous I guess. Hope you guys stay healthy! These viruses are TERRIBLE!

Mandy said...

girl, you two are adorable. cute pic. by the way, i finally linked you on my blog. :-)

Erin said...

Thanks for the link, Mandy! I still can't figure it out. 3 people have tried to help me, but I am technologically challenged. Will you be in Bloomington this weekend? All of my roommates have colloquoy on Saturday, so give me a call if you're bored!

ret said...

Lol. I just had to share this...I was sorting through some stuff and found a keychain my dad had given me. It's one of those things that have your name on them with the meaning etc...like those cards in Mustard Seed..Anyway, this says "Loretta" means "Pure". So I'm guessing 'Not Loretta'...okay, I'm done. Lol.

PS..I spent hours trying to figure out links on mine and just when I was ready to ask someone for help I got 'er done. Would be glad to help you...have a great weekend!

Mandy said...

aw girl i didn't see your message till today. now saturday is over. dang it! i was in bloomington too, so i should have called you. you can pretty much always assumem i'm in b-town on saturdays & sundays. sorry i didn't call! we WILL hang out!

Anonymous said...
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ret said...

If your new anonymous name is "not ret", then that might work, in a totally "don't quit your day job" kind of way. Regardless, Loretta, Ret, Retta...they are all parts of my real name and I am "not anonymous". Nothing stinky about that.

Please feel free to email or call me directly if you tire of the whole closet routine. While I may have left MPCC I left it with my integrity in tact and found face-to-face interaction with those involved to be empowering, defining and biblical.

Apologies Erin. Your thread.

ret said...
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