For my science methods class, we had to research a scientist of our choice, create a PowerPoint about him or her, create an integrated lesson plan, and then post it to the web. It isn't the most amazing website in the world, but hey, it's mine.
Check it out!
Wangari Maathai
"and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies." -Philippians 4:9
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
And Some More...
Picture Updates
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Weekend Updates
Well, it was an interesting weekend. I spent Friday night with Sammy and Emily and got to catch up with Wendy. I enjoyed an ultimate grilled cheese sandwich at Culver's and we baked some very yummy chocolate chip cookies at the house. On Saturday, we walked in the "Walk for Autism" Picnic at the Park. It was an interesting day to say the least. See photo below :)
Got to hang out with Abby and see her wedding plans. I am so pumped! It will be another spring/summer filled with weddings. There are already two set in stone; who knows what else might come up! See photo below :)
All in all, it was a fun weekend. Good food, good friends, good times. I am glad to be back though...I am starting to get into a routine here. Tomorrow, however, we will break the routine for a field trip downtown! We are taking the entire 5th grade to see Ant Bully at the IMAX at Navy Pier. How fun is that??!?! Then, on Wednesday, I am participating in an urban education panel discussion at ISU. They are actually asking each of us (3) to speak for 6 minutes about our preparations at ISU for teaching in an urban environment. I have no clue what I will say. I am sure it will be fine, though.
Then, next weekend, it is back to the homestead! Sunday is Ethan's 9th birthday and the next Saturday is Andrew's 1st birthday! I wish I could be there for both, but we all know that Andrew won't have any recollections of that day. Ethan, however, will. I need a creative gift for him...any suggestions? Being the nerd I am, I kind of wanted to get him a book or something educational. Is that corny? Anyway, there will be some great food, two soccer games, and a fabulous birthday party for a fantastic boy. I am so excited! Plus, I will finally be able to get some of my much-needed things from home. The week will be over before I know it!

Got to hang out with Abby and see her wedding plans. I am so pumped! It will be another spring/summer filled with weddings. There are already two set in stone; who knows what else might come up! See photo below :)
All in all, it was a fun weekend. Good food, good friends, good times. I am glad to be back though...I am starting to get into a routine here. Tomorrow, however, we will break the routine for a field trip downtown! We are taking the entire 5th grade to see Ant Bully at the IMAX at Navy Pier. How fun is that??!?! Then, on Wednesday, I am participating in an urban education panel discussion at ISU. They are actually asking each of us (3) to speak for 6 minutes about our preparations at ISU for teaching in an urban environment. I have no clue what I will say. I am sure it will be fine, though.
Then, next weekend, it is back to the homestead! Sunday is Ethan's 9th birthday and the next Saturday is Andrew's 1st birthday! I wish I could be there for both, but we all know that Andrew won't have any recollections of that day. Ethan, however, will. I need a creative gift for him...any suggestions? Being the nerd I am, I kind of wanted to get him a book or something educational. Is that corny? Anyway, there will be some great food, two soccer games, and a fabulous birthday party for a fantastic boy. I am so excited! Plus, I will finally be able to get some of my much-needed things from home. The week will be over before I know it!

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Back in Business
A very nice man came to my house on Saturday morning and replaced my window. Supposedly, he vacuumed the millions of glass remnants from my seat and floor, but I keep finding more of it.
They are still in the process of finding/replacing my stereo. All in due time. I am not really in any hurry to have another one; I don't really want to go through this again.
My insurance folks have been incredibly nice to me. Ed, from Indiana, has called me several times to make sure I am doing okay. He also knows that I am student teaching right now and he has been randomly encouraging about it. He used to teach in Chicago and keeps telling me that it is worth it and to press on. How neat it is to have connections like that.
I ventured to a White Sox game tonight. My friend Maureen had extra tickets, so 4 of us took a drive and eventually hopped a fence and made it to U.S. Cellular Field(which is rather impressive if I do say so myself). I enjoyed a lot of peanuts, a delicious hot dog, and some expensive but delicious hot chocolate. It was FREEZING! I had on 5 shirts and was still cold. I guess it just adds to the experience.
I am heading back to the twin cities this weekend for adventures in babysitting Sammy. It will be a fun one! We are participating in a "Walk for Autism" deal. I hear there might be some good eats there :)
And break.

All of my peanut shells. I was obnoxious and stomped on them a whole bunch.

The crew: Maureen, Kristy, me, and Jayme
A very nice man came to my house on Saturday morning and replaced my window. Supposedly, he vacuumed the millions of glass remnants from my seat and floor, but I keep finding more of it.
They are still in the process of finding/replacing my stereo. All in due time. I am not really in any hurry to have another one; I don't really want to go through this again.
My insurance folks have been incredibly nice to me. Ed, from Indiana, has called me several times to make sure I am doing okay. He also knows that I am student teaching right now and he has been randomly encouraging about it. He used to teach in Chicago and keeps telling me that it is worth it and to press on. How neat it is to have connections like that.
I ventured to a White Sox game tonight. My friend Maureen had extra tickets, so 4 of us took a drive and eventually hopped a fence and made it to U.S. Cellular Field(which is rather impressive if I do say so myself). I enjoyed a lot of peanuts, a delicious hot dog, and some expensive but delicious hot chocolate. It was FREEZING! I had on 5 shirts and was still cold. I guess it just adds to the experience.
I am heading back to the twin cities this weekend for adventures in babysitting Sammy. It will be a fun one! We are participating in a "Walk for Autism" deal. I hear there might be some good eats there :)
And break.

All of my peanut shells. I was obnoxious and stomped on them a whole bunch.

The crew: Maureen, Kristy, me, and Jayme
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Honeymoon is Over
Monday, September 11, 2006
We F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. have internet at our house. Praise the Lord. We have an excellent wireless signal and it is not bootlegged. Joe from Comcast saved us. I think we may have scared him a bit...
Anyway, this is one of the best days! I also got a power cord so I now have a printer too.
Hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am :)
Anyway, this is one of the best days! I also got a power cord so I now have a printer too.
Hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am :)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
School Daze Revisited
I just made an entire post and blogger lost it. Arrgghhh...
Well, we made it through our first week of student teaching. It was one long week, but it was a lot of fun too. Yesterday was the only day all week that I made it home before 4 pm. I walked in the door at 3, had a snack and put on comfy clothes, and by 4 I was fast asleep. I didn't wake up until after 10! I was so tired. I knew going into this that it would be hard and that the days would be long, but I had no idea I would be that exhausted. This is going to take some getting used to.
I can already tell that I am going to crave my Saturdays. I have already gotten so much accomplished today. Looking ahead at the calendar I can already tell this is going to be one crazy busy semester. I know it will be good and that the benefits will far outweigh the stress and anxiety, so I will just have to keep reminding myself that this is going to be great. Who am I kidding, it is already great!
Yesterday, I shared my first read aloud with my students. Seeing as it is the beginning of a new school year and the beginning of a lot of changes for all of us, my mentor teacher included, I decided to read Oh the Places You'll Go by Dr. Suess. It is one of my all time favorite books. My friend, Sarah, and I shared it with our fellow classmates at graduation four years ago. I wanted to encourage the kids and let them know that there are great things in store for all of us this year. I told them that I have faith in them that we will make it through the hang-ups and bang-ups and that we will make it out of the land of the Slump together. I hope they enjoyed it and that they heard at least part of the message hidden between the silly words and crazy pictures.
Wednesday night we went to the Cubs game. It was a lot of fun to hang out with the other interns for a while. There were nine of us altogether, plus some of the liaisons from ISU and the Little Village community center. By no means at all am I a sports enthusiast, but I don't really like the Cubs. Not that my cheering counts for anything, but my loyalty lies with the Cardinals. A friend of mine was worried that I wouldn't fit in with my roommates if I showed up in a Cardinals shirt or in anything but some form of Cubs attire. So, he loaded me a t-shirt and I succumbed. I wore it just so I wouldn't get the snot beat out of me by some of those defensive Cubs fans, including one of my roommates. We spent over two hours commuting to and from the game, but it was well worth it. We all had a great time, but it sure made getting up on Thursday morning very difficult.
Here are a few pictures from the week. Hope you enjoy!
Well, we made it through our first week of student teaching. It was one long week, but it was a lot of fun too. Yesterday was the only day all week that I made it home before 4 pm. I walked in the door at 3, had a snack and put on comfy clothes, and by 4 I was fast asleep. I didn't wake up until after 10! I was so tired. I knew going into this that it would be hard and that the days would be long, but I had no idea I would be that exhausted. This is going to take some getting used to.
I can already tell that I am going to crave my Saturdays. I have already gotten so much accomplished today. Looking ahead at the calendar I can already tell this is going to be one crazy busy semester. I know it will be good and that the benefits will far outweigh the stress and anxiety, so I will just have to keep reminding myself that this is going to be great. Who am I kidding, it is already great!
Yesterday, I shared my first read aloud with my students. Seeing as it is the beginning of a new school year and the beginning of a lot of changes for all of us, my mentor teacher included, I decided to read Oh the Places You'll Go by Dr. Suess. It is one of my all time favorite books. My friend, Sarah, and I shared it with our fellow classmates at graduation four years ago. I wanted to encourage the kids and let them know that there are great things in store for all of us this year. I told them that I have faith in them that we will make it through the hang-ups and bang-ups and that we will make it out of the land of the Slump together. I hope they enjoyed it and that they heard at least part of the message hidden between the silly words and crazy pictures.
Wednesday night we went to the Cubs game. It was a lot of fun to hang out with the other interns for a while. There were nine of us altogether, plus some of the liaisons from ISU and the Little Village community center. By no means at all am I a sports enthusiast, but I don't really like the Cubs. Not that my cheering counts for anything, but my loyalty lies with the Cardinals. A friend of mine was worried that I wouldn't fit in with my roommates if I showed up in a Cardinals shirt or in anything but some form of Cubs attire. So, he loaded me a t-shirt and I succumbed. I wore it just so I wouldn't get the snot beat out of me by some of those defensive Cubs fans, including one of my roommates. We spent over two hours commuting to and from the game, but it was well worth it. We all had a great time, but it sure made getting up on Thursday morning very difficult.
Here are a few pictures from the week. Hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
School Daze
Two down...lots more to go!
School started yesterday. What a whirlwind. I went at 7 am both days and stayed until 4 yesterday! I am still trying to find the best shoes for the job, which I have striked out twice now. I have blisters all over, but it's kind of exciting! I did my first lesson yesterday and it went fairly well, considering that one of my students speaks no English whatsoever and a few others know very little English. Today, a few of the boys in my class looked mortified when they found out I can speak some Spanish. It was a fun moment.
Tonight, ISU is treating us to a Cubs game! We are leaving here around 5:30 for the evening's festivities. I am so pumped. I don't really care too much about baseball, but if I had to pick sides, I would definitely choose the Cardinals. But, I have never experienced a game at Wrigley, so this will still be grand. I might even humor a friend of mine and wear a Cubs shirt he insisted that I wear. Our house is divided between the Sox and Cubs, so that makes for entertaining conversation as well.
I can't wait to get to know the kids in my class more. They are just adorable and so sweet. I hope that we can help our little monolingual friend to become more bilingual by the end of the year. Her name is Yessica. How fun is that!?!?
Okay, time to do homework. Will update soon.
School started yesterday. What a whirlwind. I went at 7 am both days and stayed until 4 yesterday! I am still trying to find the best shoes for the job, which I have striked out twice now. I have blisters all over, but it's kind of exciting! I did my first lesson yesterday and it went fairly well, considering that one of my students speaks no English whatsoever and a few others know very little English. Today, a few of the boys in my class looked mortified when they found out I can speak some Spanish. It was a fun moment.
Tonight, ISU is treating us to a Cubs game! We are leaving here around 5:30 for the evening's festivities. I am so pumped. I don't really care too much about baseball, but if I had to pick sides, I would definitely choose the Cardinals. But, I have never experienced a game at Wrigley, so this will still be grand. I might even humor a friend of mine and wear a Cubs shirt he insisted that I wear. Our house is divided between the Sox and Cubs, so that makes for entertaining conversation as well.
I can't wait to get to know the kids in my class more. They are just adorable and so sweet. I hope that we can help our little monolingual friend to become more bilingual by the end of the year. Her name is Yessica. How fun is that!?!?
Okay, time to do homework. Will update soon.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
I'm in Love
It's official: I am obsessed with living in Chicago.
It has only been a few days, but I am already loving this. Our house is so much fun, we are moments from the L, my neighborhood is rich with culture, and there are just so many cool things to do around here.
I met my mentor teacher today and she is great. I got to help set-up the classroom, including labeling textbooks, making some bulletin boards, sorting library books, and covering bookshelves. Could it BE more exciting?!?!
We have class tomorrow and then we are off to the Mexican Fine Arts Museum in Pilsen. Friday will be spent getting the room ready as well. On Tuesday, I meet my students! There are 25 of them so far, and we might get more still as the week goes on.
Our landlord hasn't rigged up our wireless internet, nor do we have cable yet. However, my laptop made a sound earlier informing me that it detected an available wireless connection. God bless those who don't secure their internet so poor college students like us can bootleg it.
And to all, a good night!
It has only been a few days, but I am already loving this. Our house is so much fun, we are moments from the L, my neighborhood is rich with culture, and there are just so many cool things to do around here.
I met my mentor teacher today and she is great. I got to help set-up the classroom, including labeling textbooks, making some bulletin boards, sorting library books, and covering bookshelves. Could it BE more exciting?!?!
We have class tomorrow and then we are off to the Mexican Fine Arts Museum in Pilsen. Friday will be spent getting the room ready as well. On Tuesday, I meet my students! There are 25 of them so far, and we might get more still as the week goes on.
Our landlord hasn't rigged up our wireless internet, nor do we have cable yet. However, my laptop made a sound earlier informing me that it detected an available wireless connection. God bless those who don't secure their internet so poor college students like us can bootleg it.
And to all, a good night!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Hit the Ground Running
I am back from my trip to Haiti. Lucky for me, I got sick...not malaria, but a stupid ear/sinus infection. It is awesome. Waiting for some meds. Also, I was probably supposed to be in Chicago TODAY. Oops. Oh well, can't do anything about it now. I will probably go tomorrow, then drive back home, then go back on Thursday for good. It is getting a little crazy around here. I think they have forgotten that I don't live in the suburbs like everyone else and I can't just drop everything and take a quick drive over to the neighborhood. Again, nothing much I can do about that.
The trip was great. Tons of laughs. Tons of memories. Tons of beautiful children, two in particular that I really wanted to bring home with me. I will now share a few photos. I will try to get more later.

The trip was great. Tons of laughs. Tons of memories. Tons of beautiful children, two in particular that I really wanted to bring home with me. I will now share a few photos. I will try to get more later.

Friday, August 11, 2006
Out like Trout
We depart for Miami in seven hours. For those of you who don't already know, I am going to Haiti for the next eight days. Nothing like cutting it close before moving to Chicago. We are leaving for STL at 11:30 and will stay the night in Miami. Then, we have a 7:30 am flight to Port-Au-Prince. With the new security measures, we will probably have to be there before 5 am. That's going to be a little painful! I think we will have a great time and hopefully do some great work. Please be praying for the seven of us going. Pray for safety as we travel, health while we stay, and opportunities to minister to the children and families of the churches and to our missionaries as well. Hope you have a great week!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Small Obsessions
So in case you haven't noticed, I have this small, but obvious obsession with all things Africa. Last night, I got an email update from Relevant Magazine. The store was having a special sale for a new book entitled Hope in the Dark. It is a collection of photographs and reflections from this guy's consecutive trips to South Africa and Kenya. It has already shipped and I can't wait! Plus, I got an Africa t-shirt with the deal as well. Check out the book at Also, funds from the book and shirt go to support AIDS awareness in Africa. I was able to download a sample chapter from the book and the photos are just amazing. I just can't wait! I think it will be a great resource and it helps support a good cause at the same time. Make sure you check it out!
Vacation Pictures

I just love these little guys. This was Andrew's first time to experience a swimming pool. He was a little skeptical at first, but really ended up liking it. Isaac mainly enjoyed walking around the pool and throwing all of his toys in for us to collect for him. However, we started practicing his counting and jumping skills. Austin loved floating in his tube and laying on the rafts. I couldn't get Ethan's pictures to post, but he and Chris tried lots of different stunts in the pool. Ethan also transformed to a small Middle Eastern child...his skin was ridiculously dark by the end of the week. We had a great time on vacation. Those boys are just too much fun!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Fancy Countdown Deal
Get your own countdown at
Okay, so I thought this was kind of fun. Crazy how time flies...
Saturday, July 29, 2006
A Change Will Do You Good
It's about time to mix things up.
Because I lacked the technical skills to edit my own links, I decided to switch to a template that already had them built in for me! It's about time...
Any suggestions?
Because I lacked the technical skills to edit my own links, I decided to switch to a template that already had them built in for me! It's about time...
Any suggestions?
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Let the Sun Shine
Family vacations rock.
I am sitting by the pool right now. The sun has finally shown herself for the day. It has been super overcast all day, but right now the sun is blazing and it feels great. There is also some country bumpkin band playing in the background for the resort's 4th of July festivities. One of their members sounds like a "screech owl" as Kim put it. She is reading in the pool right now and I am about to join her.
Again, family vacations rock.
I am sitting by the pool right now. The sun has finally shown herself for the day. It has been super overcast all day, but right now the sun is blazing and it feels great. There is also some country bumpkin band playing in the background for the resort's 4th of July festivities. One of their members sounds like a "screech owl" as Kim put it. She is reading in the pool right now and I am about to join her.
Again, family vacations rock.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Grand Entrance
They are here. They are finally here. All six of them.
I met my parents and Grandma at church on Friday IMMEDIATELY following a lovely week at church camp. We hopped in the "Navy Naz" as Lacey and I call it and drove to St. Louis. We also took our van because of the awaited cargo. We got to the airport a little before 4 and waited for about 30 minutes to see all of them.
And there they were :)
Kelly toting Andrew in her arms, Chris carrying numerous bags while pushing Isaac in a stroller, and Ethan and Austin carrying their own little backpacks.
Ethan has lost several teeth, Austin is a whole hand now, Isaac jabbers in the cutest, squeakiest voice ever, and Andrew is one of the most adorable chunky babies I have ever seen. (Side note: He isn't really that chunky, but he does have a great double chin.) They are all sun-kissed and looking wonderful. I just love them so much.
I have some pictures, but most of them are on my phone and I haven't quite figured out how to transfer those to the computer. I think I have to buy an additional cable, and at this point in my checkbook, there will be no such purchases.
I will try to get some up here soon. I am too busy "working" and spending time with them.
I met my parents and Grandma at church on Friday IMMEDIATELY following a lovely week at church camp. We hopped in the "Navy Naz" as Lacey and I call it and drove to St. Louis. We also took our van because of the awaited cargo. We got to the airport a little before 4 and waited for about 30 minutes to see all of them.
And there they were :)
Kelly toting Andrew in her arms, Chris carrying numerous bags while pushing Isaac in a stroller, and Ethan and Austin carrying their own little backpacks.
Ethan has lost several teeth, Austin is a whole hand now, Isaac jabbers in the cutest, squeakiest voice ever, and Andrew is one of the most adorable chunky babies I have ever seen. (Side note: He isn't really that chunky, but he does have a great double chin.) They are all sun-kissed and looking wonderful. I just love them so much.
I have some pictures, but most of them are on my phone and I haven't quite figured out how to transfer those to the computer. I think I have to buy an additional cable, and at this point in my checkbook, there will be no such purchases.
I will try to get some up here soon. I am too busy "working" and spending time with them.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
One Down, One to Go
I returned yesterday from a crazy week at camp. Kim did a fantastic job and the week was great. She was super organized and the theme was wonderful. There was rock wall climbing, swimming, very fun worship, a faculty hunt, memorable camp fire moments, and a baptism on Thursday. My family had some of the "trouble makers" in it, but they were still adorable. They tested my patience a few times, but mostly, they broke my heart with some of their stories. One of my favorites (I know we aren't supposed to have those, but get over it) was a little guy named Josh. He had the cutest raspy voice but seemed to be drawn to mischief like a moth to a flame. By the end of the week though, he was begging me to sit with him and to save him seats. Probably because I HAD to sit with him for behavior reasons the rest of the time. Still, we found out on Wednesday that he takes Ridilin and that his dad told him to leave it at home and his mom wanted him to take it. Long story short: it didn't make it to camp with him. He was really struggling without it so it was delivered to camp on Thursday. Such a cute kid. I nearly cried when he kept getting in trouble.
Aside from some of the craziness, we had a great week. The kids loved it (all but the 3 who left due to homesickness) and the faculty had a great time too.
I turn around and leave tomorrow for a week with the junior high kids. Our theme last week was "Treasure Island" and this week it is "Magnetic." Both are great themes. Great content and very integrated into the weeks.
In less than 6 days, I will meet not-so-little Andrew and be reunited with my family. I can't WAIT!!!
Pictures will follow shortly...
Aside from some of the craziness, we had a great week. The kids loved it (all but the 3 who left due to homesickness) and the faculty had a great time too.
I turn around and leave tomorrow for a week with the junior high kids. Our theme last week was "Treasure Island" and this week it is "Magnetic." Both are great themes. Great content and very integrated into the weeks.
In less than 6 days, I will meet not-so-little Andrew and be reunited with my family. I can't WAIT!!!
Pictures will follow shortly...
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
May, May, go away, bring June to us in ONE MORE DAY!
Ahh...home at last. I am not completely unpacked, but quite frankly, there is no room for me here. I have accumulated so much cool stuff while living in an apartment that my stuff kind of consumes my bedroom and most of the basement. Ask my parents, they will agree.
I am getting ready to go on a retreat tomorrow. I am so excited about it. Not sure what to expect, but really excited. We are going to Eminence, MO to Discovery Ministries. There will be rock climbing (and not the LaMoine camp rock wall), rapelling, caving, and swimming. It shall be grand!
Another friend is getting married this weekend. I am going to a bridal bruncheon on Saturday, then the wedding is at 3. I have a graduation party to go to between 2-5, then there are lawn games and a dinner reception at 6 pm here in town. It will be a fun day.
I will also spend two weeks at LaMoine this summer. I am teaching for the first week and I am a bit nervous about that, but it should be fine. I might be recruiting a friend to help me. The second week won't have too much pressure, so that is nice.
After the second week of camp, I will be driving with my family to St. Louis to pick up the McMichael 1/2 dozen. We are all so excited. My grandma has been cleaning and making room for all of them at her house. We, on the other, tore apart our back room and bathroom last night and have stripped all of the wallpaper off the walls. It's a bit crazy in there, but hopefully it will be painted by the 16th.
Then, the next week I will celebrate another friend's wedding and marriage with a whole bunch of festivities, including a shower and bachelorette party on my birthday.
Fam Fest begins on the 25th and I think I am helping with worship for that. "Heroes Unmasked" is the theme and it promises to be great!
When that is over, July will be here and we will spend the first week in Branson doing nothing but swimming, boating, laying out, and eating. I can.not.wait.
So, pretty much, my summer is already half over. That schedule doesn't include my "jobs" for the summer, all of the birthdays we have coming up in my family, nor does it include my summer booklist or the preparations I need to make for my internship in Chicago. Man, oh man, it's going to be a good one!
*Quick update: The Honda is in fact broken. She has several problems, the biggest being the broken condensor or evaporator. The cost to fix the A/C is more than half of what the car is still worth in her old age of 13 years and 242,000+ miles. It's going to be one hot summer...
Hope you enjoy June! It will be here and gone before we know it!
I am getting ready to go on a retreat tomorrow. I am so excited about it. Not sure what to expect, but really excited. We are going to Eminence, MO to Discovery Ministries. There will be rock climbing (and not the LaMoine camp rock wall), rapelling, caving, and swimming. It shall be grand!
Another friend is getting married this weekend. I am going to a bridal bruncheon on Saturday, then the wedding is at 3. I have a graduation party to go to between 2-5, then there are lawn games and a dinner reception at 6 pm here in town. It will be a fun day.
I will also spend two weeks at LaMoine this summer. I am teaching for the first week and I am a bit nervous about that, but it should be fine. I might be recruiting a friend to help me. The second week won't have too much pressure, so that is nice.
After the second week of camp, I will be driving with my family to St. Louis to pick up the McMichael 1/2 dozen. We are all so excited. My grandma has been cleaning and making room for all of them at her house. We, on the other, tore apart our back room and bathroom last night and have stripped all of the wallpaper off the walls. It's a bit crazy in there, but hopefully it will be painted by the 16th.
Then, the next week I will celebrate another friend's wedding and marriage with a whole bunch of festivities, including a shower and bachelorette party on my birthday.
Fam Fest begins on the 25th and I think I am helping with worship for that. "Heroes Unmasked" is the theme and it promises to be great!
When that is over, July will be here and we will spend the first week in Branson doing nothing but swimming, boating, laying out, and eating. I can.not.wait.
So, pretty much, my summer is already half over. That schedule doesn't include my "jobs" for the summer, all of the birthdays we have coming up in my family, nor does it include my summer booklist or the preparations I need to make for my internship in Chicago. Man, oh man, it's going to be a good one!
*Quick update: The Honda is in fact broken. She has several problems, the biggest being the broken condensor or evaporator. The cost to fix the A/C is more than half of what the car is still worth in her old age of 13 years and 242,000+ miles. It's going to be one hot summer...
Hope you enjoy June! It will be here and gone before we know it!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
The End Is Near
Ahhh...only a few more things to do. Then I am out of here. Forever. No more ISU. Well, technically, I have another year, but it won't be spent here.
Let's recap:
-Printer died two weeks ago. Epson printers are not my friends. This is my 5th printer in 2 years. Apparently, there is a class action lawsuit being filed against them. I might get some cash out of that deal.
-Air conditioning in the Honda also died. I have no freon in my car. There are holes or cracks of some sort. Estimated cost to fix it: $839.40. Hmmm...I will be making another really hot drive to Quincy next weekend for the Nobis-Mitchell shindig.
-Computer crashed. Apparently my hard drive was corrupted. No idea what that means, but the good news is that my dad, the IT super hero, was able to recover everything. All of my documents, music, and most importantly, my pictures, have been backed up in at least 3 places now.
-Moving out is still up in the air. I need a moving truck. Anyone have any suggestions?
-Wedding season is upon us. I have some very busy weekend coming up.
-I only have a few more weeks with Sammy. We have been having a great week. Despite the fact that he had a really hard day at school yesterday, we had a blast last night. He is just so creative. I will really miss them, but it will be nice to have the summer off.
-Applying for a house in Chicago. Keep those fingers crossed.
-My brother is graduating from U of I on Mother's Day. I am so proud of him. I got to see him for a little while last weekend. He is so grown up...moving to Chicago, has a fancy-pants job. What a life.
-No final exams. Only a few more papers to go. Praise God.
-My family will be arriving from Nairobi on June 16th. WOO HOO!!!
-Another big wedding in June. Sarah and Nick are getting married on the 23rd.
-Church camps, rock climbing excursions, vacations, babysitting, learning to play Midnight many fun things to look forward to!
-Meeting up with some other friends from Nairobi in July. Good times ahead.
That's about it. Looking forward to seeing some good friends very soon.
Let's recap:
-Printer died two weeks ago. Epson printers are not my friends. This is my 5th printer in 2 years. Apparently, there is a class action lawsuit being filed against them. I might get some cash out of that deal.
-Air conditioning in the Honda also died. I have no freon in my car. There are holes or cracks of some sort. Estimated cost to fix it: $839.40. Hmmm...I will be making another really hot drive to Quincy next weekend for the Nobis-Mitchell shindig.
-Computer crashed. Apparently my hard drive was corrupted. No idea what that means, but the good news is that my dad, the IT super hero, was able to recover everything. All of my documents, music, and most importantly, my pictures, have been backed up in at least 3 places now.
-Moving out is still up in the air. I need a moving truck. Anyone have any suggestions?
-Wedding season is upon us. I have some very busy weekend coming up.
-I only have a few more weeks with Sammy. We have been having a great week. Despite the fact that he had a really hard day at school yesterday, we had a blast last night. He is just so creative. I will really miss them, but it will be nice to have the summer off.
-Applying for a house in Chicago. Keep those fingers crossed.
-My brother is graduating from U of I on Mother's Day. I am so proud of him. I got to see him for a little while last weekend. He is so grown up...moving to Chicago, has a fancy-pants job. What a life.
-No final exams. Only a few more papers to go. Praise God.
-My family will be arriving from Nairobi on June 16th. WOO HOO!!!
-Another big wedding in June. Sarah and Nick are getting married on the 23rd.
-Church camps, rock climbing excursions, vacations, babysitting, learning to play Midnight many fun things to look forward to!
-Meeting up with some other friends from Nairobi in July. Good times ahead.
That's about it. Looking forward to seeing some good friends very soon.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Been tagged?
I am playing hooky. Well, actually, not playing, but taking advantage of a day off. I was attacked by the flu on Saturday night. I NEVER get the flu. Oh well, I didn't go to class today and I am not working either. So, instead I am watching Friends and cleaning everything in our apartment. However, I sat and took a break at the computer. While I was perusing blogs, I read Kim's most recent post of facts about herself. I then saw that she tagged some folks, my name included. I am not sure if I am the Erin she intended to tag, but I decided to respond anyway.
Four jobs I've had:
-Professional lawn mower (thank you Deby)
-Babysitter extraordinaire (I added the extraordinaire to make it sound fancy)
-Administrative Assistant
-LCC student rep
Four places I've lived:
-Quincy, IL
-Lincoln, IL
-Normal, IL
-Nairobi, Kenya (over 6 weeks counts, right?)
Four TV shows I love:
-Gilmore Girls
Four places I've vacationed:
-Branson, MO (John would be proud)
-Siesta Keys, FL
-Amboseli, Kenya (Ol Tukai Lodge for my 21st birthday safari soiree)
-Italy and Greece (technically, that was a "study tour" but I like to pretend it was a vacation too)
Four of my favorite dishes:
-My mom's macaroni and cheese; I just can't get it to be perfect like hers
-Can cake be a dish? I say it is, so my grandma's cake
-The best chicken ever
Four places I'd rather be right now:
-I won't say working, but I would rather not be sick right now
-I will also copy Kim and say my hot tub
-On a warm beach with the sun as my blanket
Four sites I've visited today:
-MSN (Academy Awards articles)
People I'm tagging:
-Anyone who wants!
Okay, I need to go hit the laundry room. Not only is being sick a pain, but it is costing me valuable laundry money!
Four jobs I've had:
-Professional lawn mower (thank you Deby)
-Babysitter extraordinaire (I added the extraordinaire to make it sound fancy)
-Administrative Assistant
-LCC student rep
Four places I've lived:
-Quincy, IL
-Lincoln, IL
-Normal, IL
-Nairobi, Kenya (over 6 weeks counts, right?)
Four TV shows I love:
-Gilmore Girls
Four places I've vacationed:
-Branson, MO (John would be proud)
-Siesta Keys, FL
-Amboseli, Kenya (Ol Tukai Lodge for my 21st birthday safari soiree)
-Italy and Greece (technically, that was a "study tour" but I like to pretend it was a vacation too)
Four of my favorite dishes:
-My mom's macaroni and cheese; I just can't get it to be perfect like hers
-Can cake be a dish? I say it is, so my grandma's cake
-The best chicken ever
Four places I'd rather be right now:
-I won't say working, but I would rather not be sick right now
-I will also copy Kim and say my hot tub
-On a warm beach with the sun as my blanket
Four sites I've visited today:
-MSN (Academy Awards articles)
People I'm tagging:
-Anyone who wants!
Okay, I need to go hit the laundry room. Not only is being sick a pain, but it is costing me valuable laundry money!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
It's All or Nothing
It's official. Come August, I will be a resident of Chicago's south side.
I have switched programs and will now do my year long PDS (Professional Development School) in Chicago. I am very, VERY excited to see what comes from this experience. God came through (as always). Everything fell into place at the right time. I have a place to live...actually, two options now. Housing was the only thing holding me back and now I have choices. It is going to be a great year, I can just feel it. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
I have switched programs and will now do my year long PDS (Professional Development School) in Chicago. I am very, VERY excited to see what comes from this experience. God came through (as always). Everything fell into place at the right time. I have a place to live...actually, two options now. Housing was the only thing holding me back and now I have choices. It is going to be a great year, I can just feel it. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
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