Monday, June 19, 2006

Grand Entrance

They are here. They are finally here. All six of them.

I met my parents and Grandma at church on Friday IMMEDIATELY following a lovely week at church camp. We hopped in the "Navy Naz" as Lacey and I call it and drove to St. Louis. We also took our van because of the awaited cargo. We got to the airport a little before 4 and waited for about 30 minutes to see all of them.

And there they were :)

Kelly toting Andrew in her arms, Chris carrying numerous bags while pushing Isaac in a stroller, and Ethan and Austin carrying their own little backpacks.

Ethan has lost several teeth, Austin is a whole hand now, Isaac jabbers in the cutest, squeakiest voice ever, and Andrew is one of the most adorable chunky babies I have ever seen. (Side note: He isn't really that chunky, but he does have a great double chin.) They are all sun-kissed and looking wonderful. I just love them so much.

I have some pictures, but most of them are on my phone and I haven't quite figured out how to transfer those to the computer. I think I have to buy an additional cable, and at this point in my checkbook, there will be no such purchases.

I will try to get some up here soon. I am too busy "working" and spending time with them.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

One Down, One to Go

I returned yesterday from a crazy week at camp. Kim did a fantastic job and the week was great. She was super organized and the theme was wonderful. There was rock wall climbing, swimming, very fun worship, a faculty hunt, memorable camp fire moments, and a baptism on Thursday. My family had some of the "trouble makers" in it, but they were still adorable. They tested my patience a few times, but mostly, they broke my heart with some of their stories. One of my favorites (I know we aren't supposed to have those, but get over it) was a little guy named Josh. He had the cutest raspy voice but seemed to be drawn to mischief like a moth to a flame. By the end of the week though, he was begging me to sit with him and to save him seats. Probably because I HAD to sit with him for behavior reasons the rest of the time. Still, we found out on Wednesday that he takes Ridilin and that his dad told him to leave it at home and his mom wanted him to take it. Long story short: it didn't make it to camp with him. He was really struggling without it so it was delivered to camp on Thursday. Such a cute kid. I nearly cried when he kept getting in trouble.

Aside from some of the craziness, we had a great week. The kids loved it (all but the 3 who left due to homesickness) and the faculty had a great time too.

I turn around and leave tomorrow for a week with the junior high kids. Our theme last week was "Treasure Island" and this week it is "Magnetic." Both are great themes. Great content and very integrated into the weeks.

In less than 6 days, I will meet not-so-little Andrew and be reunited with my family. I can't WAIT!!!

Pictures will follow shortly...